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59th Conference on Decision and Control - Jeju Island, Republic of Korea - December 14th-18th 2020

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All conference attendees must register.

The registration categories and rates have changed now that CDC 2020 will be in a fully virtual format. First category includes paper uploads and the rates are substantially reduced. Second category, newly introduced for the virtual CDC, does not include paper uploads and is available at rates even further reduced (see the tables below). Both categories include access to the virtual venue, electronic proceedings, live sessions, and on-demand presentations.

A number of pre-conference workshops will be offered at CDC 2020. Access to the workshops is not included in the conference registration. Please see the Workshop Registration section below.

Please carefully review the registration and refund policy at the bottom of this page, as refund penalties may apply.

In case of any question about registration rates and/or refund policy, please contact the Registration Chair Professor Yongsoon Eun or the Conference Secretariat.

Conference Registration: Participation with Paper Uploads

Member, Non-Member and Life Member registrants may upload up to three final papers.
Reduced rate (Students and Retirees) registrants may upload one final paper.

Category Before Oct 1, 2020 (UTC-5) From Oct 2, 2020 (UTC-5) # Paper
Advanced Rate Standard Rate
Member KRW 240,000 KRW 300,000 3 Included
Non-Member KRW 300,000 KRW 375,000 3 Included
Life Member KRW 120,000 KRW 150,000 3 Included
Student/Retiree Member KRW 120,000 KRW 150,000 1 Included
Student/Retiree Non-Member KRW 150,000 KRW 187,500 1 Included

All accepted and invited papers are limited to six (6) pages. Authors may upload longer manuscript up to a maximum of eight (8) pages total. Each page in excess of six will incur an additional charge of KRW 230,000. Each additional paper is subject to a charge of KRW 230,000.

All Categories Extra Paper Upload
(Cost for Each Paper)
7th or 8th Page in
Each Final Paper
(Cost for Each Page)
Member, Non-member,
Life Member,
Student, or Retiree
KRW 230,000 KRW 230,000

Conference Registration: Participation without Paper Uploads

As the CDC 2020 will be held in fully virtual format, we have introduced additional participation and registration options to make the conference experience available for more attendees.

Category Rate # Paper Upload
Regular KRW 120,000 X
Student/Retiree Member KRW 60,000 X

Workshops Registration Rates

To accommodate attendees from different time zones, the usual Full Day workshops are now provided over two days, with no more than 4 hours per day. Two-day and One-day workshops will be offered from Saturday, December 12 to Sunday, December 13, 2020.

Two-day and One-day workshop fees are as follows:

Category Before Oct 1, 2020 (UTC-5)
Advanced Rate
From Oct 2, 2020 (UTC-5)
Standard Rate
Two-Day One-Day Two-Day One-Day
Member/Non-Member KRW 120,000 KRW 60,000 KRW 168,000 KRW 84,000
Student/Life Member/Retiree KRW 60,000 KRW 30,000 KRW 84,000 KRW 42,000

Registration/Refund/Force Majeure Policy:

Registration: Attendees must register under one of the following registration categories. Note that student registrants are allowed to upload one final paper.

  • Member: If you are a member of IEEE, InFORMS, SIAM or SICE, you are entitled to "Member" rate. This registration category is entitled to upload up to three final papers. Additional papers can be uploaded for KRW 230,000 each.

  • IEEE Life Members: If your IEEE membership status is that of Life Member, Life Senior Member or Life Fellow, you may register at Life Member rate. This registration category is entitled to upload up to three final papers. Additional papers can be uploaded for KRW 230,000 each.

  • Non-member: If you are not a member of any of the above organization(s), you should register at the Non-member rate. This registration category is entitled to upload up to three final papers. Additional papers can be uploaded for KRW 230,000 each.

  • Student: If at the time of registration or at the time of initial submission of paper for review you were a "full-time student" at a recognized institution, you may register at Student rate. You may be required to provide evidence of full-time student status. This registration category is entitled to upload ONLY ONE final paper. Additional papers can be uploaded for KRW 230,000 each.

  • Retiree: If at the time of registration or at the time of initial submission of paper for review you had retired or did not hold a full time employment, you may register at Retiree rate. This registration category is entitled to upload ONLY ONE final paper. Additional papers can be uploaded for KRW 230,000 each.

Refunds: If an author has uploaded a paper using his/her registration, the registration will not be refunded, even if the paper is withdrawn. Those who pre-register without uploading any paper and later find they cannot attend the conference may request a refund of the advance registration fee(s).

  • Requests before September 30, 2020: For requests received before the Advanced Registration deadline (October 1, 2020), 90% of the fee will be refunded.

  • Requests between October 2 and November 30, 2020: For requests received between October 2 and November 30, 2020, 50% of the fee will be refunded.

  • Requests after November 30, 2020:  There will be no refunds for requests received after November 30, 2020.

Force Majeure: Unexpected cancellation of the conference. The Control Systems Society reserves itself the right to cancel without notice or compensation IEEE CDC 2020 in the event of force majeure cases (for example, but not limited to acts of nature such as fire, earthquake, hurricane, flood or terrorist attacks). In such cases, the CSS is freed of all responsibility. Limitation of liability of the Control Systems Society: In the event of it being impossible for the CSS to carry out the IEEE CDC 2020 for force majeure cases, so long as this arises from a cause not attributable to the CSS, CSS shall only be obliged to reimburse the payments received subject to deduction of any costs it has incurred in preparing the event. This liability only extends to the payments made directly to the IEEE CDC 2020 and not to payments made by the attendees to the hotel or airlines.

Program Book (PDF)

COVID-19 Related Announcements

PaperPlaza Submission Site

Key Dates (2020)
Submission Site Opens:January 6
Initial Paper
Submissions to L-CSS with CDC Option Due:
March 3
March 17
Invited Session
Proposals Due:
March 10
March 24
Initial Paper
Submissions Due:
Firm deadline, no extension!
March 17
March 31
Workshop Proposals Due:May 1
Paper and Workshop
Decision Notification:
Best Student Paper
Nominations Opens:
July 20
Final Submission Open:August 1 August 15
Registration Opens:August 1
August 15
Best Student Paper
Nominations Closes:
(Note: Final Paper Required)
August 15
August 31
Accepted Papers Due:September 10
September 20
Early Bird Closes:October 1

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for the 59th CDC
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Organizing Committee

Business License: 724-80-00753
Prof. Chung Choo Chung
Hanyang University
222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu
Seoul, 04763 Korea
Tel & Fax: +82-31-716-2724

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