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59th Conference on Decision and Control - Jeju Island, Republic of Korea - December 14th-18th 2020 |
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The Jeju Virtual Convention Center (JVCC) is the venue for the IEEE CDC 2020. Please enter from the link below: The new features of CDC2020 and JVCC are summarized below. Please take time to go through them as they will help you navigate yourself in the virtual conference site. The IEEE Control System Society is collecting data from conference attendees to identify the value of existing conferences. Please take a moment to fill out this short two minute survey so we can better understand what matters to you! For getting started with JVCC
How to access the Technical Program? The Online Technical Program can be currently viewed at PaperPlaza. This is as usual as the previous CDCs, and everyone has access without registration. Using My Program of the online Technical Program, you can plan your schedule ahead. On December 12, another Technical Program called Live Program will open, where you can access the pre-recorded presentation video as well as the paper PDFs. This is only for registrants and can be accessed from JVCC. A username and passcode (both are set to be the same and unique for each user) are necessary to access the Live Program, which will be displayed when you log in to JVCC. These username and passcode can also be retrieved at the "Registration tab" when you log in to the registration system (http://cdc2020reg.sigongji.com). How to access the Social/Student Programs and other events? CDC 2020 has all of the traditional events including the Welcome Reception, Newcomer's Reception, Women in Control Meeting, IEEE Young Professional Meet-Up, Meet the Faculty Candidate Poster Session, CSS Award Ceremony, and Farewell Reception. Please look for their times and locations in the CDC homepage. Each event uses the virtualization technology most suited for the type of event. For example, don't forget to attend the first event of CDC 2020 --- Welcome Reception (Sunday, December 13, 17:30-18:30 UTC), which is held at Event Hall 1 in JVCC. More details can be found at the Social Program page. How to attend the Workshops? The Workshops will be held on December 12 and 13, 13:00-17:00 UTC. The participants should enter JVCC and find the Event Halls. When you enter the Event Hall, you need a Zoom password which should be sent to you by the organizer of your workshop. What is the Meeting Place in JVCC? A major appeal of in-person conferences is meeting new people and making friends. In CDC 2020, such informal interactions take place by visiting the Meeting Place, which uses Spatial.chat, a digital platform in which participants are represented by their avatars in a virtual space. By controlling the avatars using a computer mouse, people can move in the virtual space, meet people, and chat using their cameras and microphones. Your voice can be heard only by the people near you. Therefore, if you find someone in the Meeting Place who you already know, you should "approach" him/her (by moving your avatar) to say hello. If you want to make a new friend, move yourself to the area with the sign "I want to meet new people." The etiquette is to use your Full Name in the Meeting Place and turn your camera on. What are the Discussion Rooms in JVCC? It is common at CDCs that people sit down for discussions with their colleagues in the hallway, the lobby, etc. At CDC 2020, such interactions are implemented in a virtual way. Participants can arrange private meetings with their colleagues via email, text, or conference Slack (using Direct Message) by simply saying, for example, "Hey, let's meet in the Discussion Room at 16:00 UTC." Discussion Room in the form of a single Zoom link is located in the center of JVCC. Once one enters the Discussion Room, your request for a private room can be arranged by the host there. You can wait until your other colleagues enter the room, and when your group becomes ready, simply ask (using the chat box or your microphone) the host to assign a private room to your group. In the private room, you can discuss with your colleague using your camera and microphone, and you can even share your computer screen. How can the Proceedings Zip be downloaded? Accessible from the JVCC, the Live Program is the service in which the participants can download the Proceedings Zip (previously distributed via USB memory sticks). See the conference program, and obtain the published paper files as well as presentation slides. As also noted above, a username and passcode (both are set to be the same and unique for each user) are necessary to access the Live Program, which will be displayed when you log in to JVCC. These username and passcode can also be retrieved at the "Registration tab" when you log in to the registration system (http://cdc2020reg.sigongji.com). Where should I go to get help? If help is needed, please visit the Help Desk in the JVCC, which is equivalent to the registration desks at the usual CDCs. The Help Desk is run by Slack, which is a text-based communicator. First-time visitors need to register to use Slack. Once registered, anyone can ask open questions to the Help Desk. How can I receive real-time messages from the conference organizers? JVCC also shows Twitter messages from the organizers, automatically updated in real-time. Please consider this Twitter as the board typically located next to the registration desk at previous CDCs. How can I contact other attendees? You can send text messages to other registered users privately by Slack (which are called Direct Messages) as long as the other person is also registered in Slack. This registration is only for the CDC2020 Workspace of Slack. After the conference you can leave and close the workspace. How do the technical sessions run? Basically the technical sessions should be the same as previous CDCs except that they are held in the online platform of Zoom Meeting. However, there are a few points worth mentioning:
Can I access the videos of the plenary talks before their scheduled times? No. Just for the plenaries, we will release the videos after the scheduled times. They can be accessed from Live Program as other technical talks. How do the exhibits run and can I meet the sponsors? The JVCC has virtual booths for the sponsors. Feel free to stop by their information pages and meet/chat with their representatives. One of the sponsors, ICROS, is supporting free CDC 2020 T-shirts for randomly selected attendees. Do I have to do something at CDC 2020? Well, nothing special except enjoying the conference as at previous CDCs. But, we wish the following from you:
Out of curiosity, how does JVCC update its contents? CDC 2020 uses a new software platform called the Jeju Virtual Convention Center (JVCC), which was conceptualized and designed by the Organizing Committee. The JVCC is a virtual venue consisting of 17 Rooms, 2 Auditoriums, and 8 Event Halls. In the corner of JVCC, a clock displays the current time in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), which is used as the standard time for the CDC schedule. The individual rooms' links automatically appear 10 minutes before the respective timetables, as if the door of each room opens 10 minutes before the program starts. The backend of the automation is JavaScript, which contains the conference data and reduces the communications with and demands on the webserver once the first loading is completed. |
Key Dates (2020)
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Organizing Committee Business License: 724-80-00753 Prof. Chung Choo Chung Hanyang University 222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu Seoul, 04763 Korea Tel & Fax: +82-31-716-2724 E-mail: cdc2020@jcinter.co.kr Privacy Polocy Terms of Use |